Last week
Thickbar deadlift
3x5 180
4x5 278
Rows 3x10 128
Curls 5x5 78
Squat 5x5 275 (below parallel)
Bench 3x5 165
2x5 170
Seated calf raise 3x8 125
Cable Crossovers 3x10 70
Rope Pulldown 3x10 110
I closed the CoC #2 for the 1st time ever! (right hand only) 2 attempts per hand.
Military Press 5x5 50(2)
Alternating Hand Kettlebell Swings 20
Kettlebell Clean and Push Press 1x5
100 Ab twists with 12lb ball
20 situps with ball
3x10 ball slams
3x10 ab wheel
3x10 leg raises
3x10 Front Shoulder raises 10(2)
3x10 Lat Shoulder raises 10(2)
3x10 Shrugs 50(2)
Farmer walks with 50lbs for 5 minutes.